Sunday, January 22, 2023


 My pantry is overloaded with foods, canning equipment and empty canning jars. The shelves we put in hold so much but not enough for my liking.

I'm also a Prepper and I've now filled all the storage areas I thought would take a long time to fill and now have no idea what to do with things.

Somethings gotta give and it needs to happen soon.

A couple weeks ago we laid our John Henry to rest, she was 16 years 4 months old and had been with us since she was 8 weeks old. I still see her out of the corner of my eye and look for her at bedtime to carry her to bed. 

Rest easy John

Before we lost John, in December we welcomed a used English Mastiff, Clare.
Shes 4 years old & had at least 4 litters of puppies, was only 97# when we brought her home. Since then she has gained weight, maybe 20 lbs so far and is looking good. Clare is a GOOD DOG, she sits, lays down, stays, comes and has excellent recall. 

If you look closely you can see that her hair was course looking 

but now she is all smooth and soft and her hair glows.

Ambleside is SO BIG now, she weighs as much as my TB and is as tall as my older mare. 
Amble is a PILL.