Sunday, December 6, 2015


I keep finding things around here that I think are pretty cool and I sort of think other people might think them cool too. So I'm going to make some old rustic fence board signs and advertise them and hope someone will buy them. God knows I have enough materials around here to do a bit of craft work.
Here is Dave inspecting some old fencing.
I've got rolls and rolls of this rusty barbed wire and plans for a lot of it.

These steps came from our old farm, no idea how they ended up here. I'm going to get them into the barn and let them dry, then sell them.

And this fence! It is INCREDIBLE!!
I have no clue what it was used for before but someone might just want to purchase it for $10.

If I can sell these rusted out water troughs for $50, then I should be able to sell some of these old things for a few bucks.
Then I'll have a few bucks to use toward getting more of this same stuff into my home.

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