Friday, November 18, 2016

Country Home Refi

We are hoping to get a home equity line of credit soon so we can build our barn, install hardwood floors and get new roofing on the old barn & garage. Its been stressful, not knowing, and we're doing everything the bank asks.
Tomorrow there is going to be an appraisal done so today we're cleaning. DH is shampooing carpets and I went around and polished all the wood, including the banister and kitchen cabinets. I broke out the duster and got a good amount of spider webs removed also.
We hope to know soon if the loan goes through
(it better, I paid $550 for the appraisal)
so we can get building on the barn. We will build it anyway but it will be a lot faster if we can do it all at once and I'll be able to use it before we grow old and move.

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