Saturday, February 11, 2017

Still No New Floor

We still don't have the new flooring in but the light switches have been moved from one wall to another, where they actually belong in the first place. We're removing part of this wall, it will bring in more ight into the living room. The mirror and baseboard heater are gone.
This wall is now just 2x4s and each one of the boards has something electrical attached to it. There are 6 light switches on here.
First 3 on the left:
L- Upstairs hall
C- Lights above bar area
R- lights above fireplace in office
3 on right:
L- Motion sensor porch light
C- entry way
R- Porch above door

So right now it looks like this

And the new switches look like this

The floor guys told us to hold off on ordering the flooring, he's checking with his source. We were ready to order the Bellawood last week but holding off for now.
I want this to get going, so tired of waiting around.

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