Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Third Bedroom Up & Running

There are no curtains yet on either window but I did wash them, gave them a horse and spurs. 

The table top headboard works great, if I do say so myself. Can you see Buckin' Brown back in the corner? He is to help prevent banged heads on the slanted ceiling. I'm going to find some awesome curtains for this room.

Yes, this is the book I'm currently reading. I love westerns, they make me laugh.
Much better than  cheap romances.
Yes, that's a 3 legged milking stool, yes, I wear those readers.

overall, the room just looks OK. If I had a guest come over they would say, nice bed but not THIS IS THE COOLEST ROOM I've EVER STAYED IT! 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Third Bedroom Updates

The upstairs 3rd bedroom is FINISHED. 

The floor was completed last night, then the closet began. 

Today the closet was FINISHED. 

He made the door a little too big, I think 2 of the boards need to be removed. As it is, the door only opens half way. But its beautiful.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

New Walls

This is the view looking in our front door, from the left the closed door is a bathroom, then the office in back, the white bricks is the huge fireplace and the dark living room.

We had our contractor come over and build a wall with a pocket door.
There were several reasons:
1. Keeping the cats and dogs out of ONE area of the house
2. Having a place to lock them IN
3. We can close it for a quiet place to work
4. With the fire going it will be warm
5. It adds 1 more room to the house rooms count on the appraisal

I haven't primed or painted the wall yet, I will do that in the off white which matches most of the rest of the house. The door and trim (trim coming later today) will be same color in high gloss. Then I will put in the rest of the switch plates and redecorate.

The house is FULL of stuff from this area and the upstairs spare room, which we are redoing also.

A lot of stuff (JUNK) was crammed into this room and it had an ugly orange berber carpet. The walls were stark white with lots of marks on them so out went all the stuff and the carpet too. I've already disposed of quite a bit of the junk and will be making a donations run to St. Vincents.

We've been here 3 years; before we were here the roof leaked down this slant and onto the floor at the left, below the window. I'll be painting that and with Kilz and have already painted the rest of the room in off white.
Then we're installing new hardwood flooring and finally a new closet will be built here.

Here is a photo I doctored up to look similar to the future closet wall. Bead board with a barn style sliding door. The wall won't be drywalled, just framed with the wood over it. There will be a hanger bar to the right side of the door and shelves to the right.

Once this closet wall is finished the value of the house will be thousands of $$$$ higher since it creates a BEDROOM and not just another room. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Big Front Door Finished

The front of the barn is almost entirely finished. Since these photos were taken two days ago, The trim on the roof has been attached, the 2nd overhead door rail has been put up and a handle is on the barn door.

This rail is quiet

We put 3 sets of rollers on the door to support the heavy door

The rail is round with HD plastic wheels, they don't make nearly as much noise as metal wheels

He glued, then bolted the supports and wheels on

Inside of just the door

Inside door and the wall above it