Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Front Yard plants

I took this photo yesterday.
All the azaleas have finished blooming and after Googling for the info, I discovered it is prime time to trim the bushes for optimal growth next year and to make them look nice again. They were really gangly looking.
I didn't have my hand clippers so I used the loppers to start whacking the branches off. I was ruthless.
Afterward, I wrapped a new soaker hose around the bottoms of them and left it on for a few hours. This is the first time I've watered them.
Our porch rockers are much more noticeable now.

We put the log behind the bushes so it can be seen but its not the main focus of the bed.

The Rhody beside the steps really got whacked, it's just sticks now. I still need to deadhead the remaining plants.
The hanging baskets are looking awesome but I need to move each basket toward the centers of the areas by at least 6 inches, they are all crammed into the pillars.
Out in the rest of the yard there are many more Rhodys and Azaleas, I have a couple of each that I'd like to move and a couple huge ones to really start whacking on. One is tall and skinny so we were thinking about making it a Rhody tree. I will start trimming on those soon, before it's too late.

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