Friday, November 18, 2016

Country Home Refi

We are hoping to get a home equity line of credit soon so we can build our barn, install hardwood floors and get new roofing on the old barn & garage. Its been stressful, not knowing, and we're doing everything the bank asks.
Tomorrow there is going to be an appraisal done so today we're cleaning. DH is shampooing carpets and I went around and polished all the wood, including the banister and kitchen cabinets. I broke out the duster and got a good amount of spider webs removed also.
We hope to know soon if the loan goes through
(it better, I paid $550 for the appraisal)
so we can get building on the barn. We will build it anyway but it will be a lot faster if we can do it all at once and I'll be able to use it before we grow old and move.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Hard Decisions

We will be redoing the floors soon and need to choose a wood. No carpet, tile, vinyl or fake, we want real hard wood floors.
This is Acacia wood, above picture is Karens actual floor and below is the one in the store. I love it for its differing colors, so it will hide dog hair and dirt.

This is a google picture, it shows the texture of the floor. Might not be so easy to mop.

I LOVE this Hickory flooring, its perfect in every way except its not a HARD wood and the dogs would have it scratched in no time. Can't have that.

we should have the financing figured out next week then there will be more updates here. I'm excited, going to be fun & hard doing this.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Farm House Kitchen Table

This is the old floor in the horse trailer.
This is those same boards, removed and cut up.

These same boards are going to be my new Farm House Kitchen table.

This is the top, It will measure approximately 4' X 8' when finished.
The top will be separate from the bottom, which will be a frame to hold the legs together
and the top just sitting on top.

We used the trailer wood and some real 2x4s for the top. The legs were new wood and the leg frame will use new wood also.
We added bread boards to the ends of the top boards to give it a move finished look.

There is a frame in a frame, so the top will sit on the other frame and have a couple smaller boards to keep it straight and even.

Its mostly complete here but just sitting there, its not screwed/bolted together yet.

This is what it looks like right now. I will clean the boards really well tomorrow since they still have dirt and spider webs on them from the barn. Then they will come inside to dry for a while, then I'll start sanding them.

This is what the frame will look like when its finished except I'm hoping to find another old 2x4 to use for the leg braces and cross piece.

Monday, October 31, 2016

More Bathroom

When we moved in I wasn't thrilled with the down stairs bathroom, it was all white. I painted a couple walls and the ceiling silver and a couple walls turquoise. Last week I removed the white Bi-Fold doors that hid the washer and dryer.

The window came with this dainty little lace curtain,
just asking to turn dusty brown over time and SO not my style.
There isn't anything outside besides side yard so it wasn't important that I impress anyone outside.

I've had plans to do this for a long time

This was my inspiration, found on Pinterest. I LOVE Pinterest.
I'm going to do it in the living room either on the small window or one of the bigger ones in the dining room or old kitchen window. I have a lot more burlap.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Family Name Sign

I made this sign today for our dining room
Started out with a stencil
Pressed it into the old, half rotten fence board, by hand

Then I painted the letters

It wasn't difficult but it wasn't easy either. The wood kept coming off on the cheap brush

It looked OK with just the outlines painted but I thought it might be nicer with whole letters painted

Lan saw it at this time; he smiled

Up close it looks pretty good 
After I got all the letters finished I added the hooks
and painted them HAMMERED by Rustoleum

These are the hooks I will use to hang from the ceiling

Finished sign, just waiting to hang

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Bathroom Towel Bar

Today this really cute towel bar came from Stateline Tack.
Its a pretty antiquey silvery color right now and would look great in the bathroom. But I'm using the Rustoleum Hammered Brown color in there as an accent color so I'm going to paint the towel bar.
Here are the star and mirrors that I've already painted, with the silver turquoise walls.

I like this stuff.