Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Comfort Stall Mats In

The Comfort Stall mats have been laid down. It took us a while to figure out which direction to go with each, a bit of trial and error but we finally got them figured out. 
Each section of cells weighs about 75# so it took both of us to move and position them. The stall measures 12'6" wide x 24' long and there was no way to make them just fit perfectly. Plus there was a packed end and a soft end of each cell, from how they were made and sewn closed.

We ended up laying them all down and had 4 extra at this point, one of which we knew would be fitted into the middle there. On the right you can see the single cells we took off a few of the bigger ones and we used those for other spots like beside the upright poles that hold up the barn and where the sewn ends were just not enough.

Since there were 3 completely extra sections we were able to cut them open and spread quite a big of the crumbled rubber over the tops. Photo below is just the extra out of the single cells.

This is with the 3 extra sections opened and it being spread out. 
Tomorrow we will purchase the carpet padding that goes over the crumble and under the big rubber top layer.

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