Tuesday, April 14, 2015

First time

The first time I was here there were a lot of other people here too, the realtor, the lady who had originally posted about it on FB, her daughter and the daughters friend. I also brought Amy & Dallas with me. I already knew everyone except the realtor but I did get to know her during the buying process.
This is the old kitchen, up on the left you can see the front door. When I first walked in I had NO idea what this room was meant for and no idea what we would do with it. The big closet down there was just a big closet, no shelves, no coat hooks or racks, nothing. I'll have a post at a later date about how I changed it.
This is the living room seen from near the front door. There is a fireplace on the left and the dining room and kitchen are towards the light on the right.
I love the stairs and plan on painting a horse silhouette on that wall one day soon.
The French doors open onto a good size covered patio that for now is just full of stuff. Come summer time its going to get some fixing up.
The bricks on the left are the huge fireplace which is actually 2 fireplaces. There is a wood fireplace in the area we use as an office (behind & to the left of the picture) and its painted white. In the living room there is a propane fireplace and the bricks are the original dark brown. We have no plans to paint them so its very dark in there but I can work on that.

This is the upstairs landing.
I absolutely love it. On the first day there was nothing up there, now I have several horse blankets/saddle pads on the railing.
There are two bedrooms and a storage room up there along with a Jack & Jill bathroom. I have our bed in one of the rooms and all our clothes are in the other bedroom, so its our dressing room.

The dining room and kitchen are here; I've already done some painting in them. I want to build a big country table using the big boards from the old horse trailer floor. I just won't tell everyone where they came from, some people might not appreciate all the awesome horses that stepped on them and left behind their poop.
So much to do.

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