Monday, July 27, 2015

The Fireplace

This is the first picture I ever took of our fireplace, on October 21, 2014. It was a chilly wet day, I had only heard of the farm the day before from a FB post of a friend, a lady who used to board her horses at our old farm.
I had put this picture up on the mantle but it was too dark, it didn't brighten up the house like it needed and these bricks are very dark.
So I had Lan drill screw holes into the bricks and we hung up this rod.

And we hung up this Bison Skull that's been waiting for its place of honor.

And We attached this Pendleton blanket to the rod.

This was my Uncle Mels blanket, my sister got it when he passed away. But it was nicer then, she had it dry cleaned and they ruined it (in her eyes, its still beautiful to me).

After everything is put where it goes, this is now my living room.
I LOVE it.

Monday, July 20, 2015

House Number Post

Someone blew up our old mailbox on the July 4th weekend.
That was OK with me, it was awful and UGLY. There were CD's nailed to the post with reflectors over them and the box was painted silver with the house numbers painted over so you couldn't see them and the door wouldn't stay closed.
It was an embarrassment.
Last week we got a pressure treated 4x4 post

and chose a topper from Lowes.

I found numbers that were nice, the most WESTERNY I could find.

And we got 5 gallons of white semi gloss exterior paint.
I painted one coat on it & we realized we didn't have them put any pigment into the bucket!! So back it went and they poured a bunch of white color into our bucket.
Yesterday it got a couple thick coats of paint.

It looks pretty good.

Here it is, almost finished. I will run a coat of paint under the topper and over its screws and then it will be ready to put out beside the driveway.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Down Stairs Bathroom


Now. Wall color SILVER CHARM.

now. wall color PEACOCK FEATHER.


this photo doesn't show the right turquoise