Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Comfort Stall Mats In

The Comfort Stall mats have been laid down. It took us a while to figure out which direction to go with each, a bit of trial and error but we finally got them figured out. 
Each section of cells weighs about 75# so it took both of us to move and position them. The stall measures 12'6" wide x 24' long and there was no way to make them just fit perfectly. Plus there was a packed end and a soft end of each cell, from how they were made and sewn closed.

We ended up laying them all down and had 4 extra at this point, one of which we knew would be fitted into the middle there. On the right you can see the single cells we took off a few of the bigger ones and we used those for other spots like beside the upright poles that hold up the barn and where the sewn ends were just not enough.

Since there were 3 completely extra sections we were able to cut them open and spread quite a big of the crumbled rubber over the tops. Photo below is just the extra out of the single cells.

This is with the 3 extra sections opened and it being spread out. 
Tomorrow we will purchase the carpet padding that goes over the crumble and under the big rubber top layer.

Sunday, January 28, 2018


Tomorrow we start installing the comfort stall mats. Laying the bottom layer shouldn't be a problem besides hard, heavy work. The big roll of topping is going to be very difficult. I haven't purchased a roll of carpet padding yet, I guess I'll be getting that first thing I the morning.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Outside Stall Doors

Each of the exterior doors will be made for the space it will go into because they all measure out a bit different from each other. Start with the inside frame, using the Kreg Jig to attach at corners & making sure its square. Or as square as can be.

Then add the inside plywood and the outside T1-11.
The X on the outside is more for support and to prevent future hanging/dragging than decoration but its very pretty.

We used 1x4's from the pallet the Comfort Stall mats & roofing came on, great way to upcycle.

Liquid Nails & real nails hold it together.

The hardware for the doors, large heavy duty hinges, locks for each door & hooks to attach them to the outside when open so they don't swing freely.

This tool gets the screws in fast & tight.

The finished product.
Now just 8 more to do because there will be top doors also.

The inside lock. 
We put a 2x4 inside the door jamb so the door wouldn't stress the hinges.

Monday, January 15, 2018


This is the divider between the first two stalls, its about 5.5 feet tall.

The feeder is below the feed door. This was the first interior wall to be built and we found out laying the plywood sideways takes 4 sheets instead of 3 so the other stalls have standing on end boards.

There was a lot of moisture in the air the other day so everything is wet. I'm wondering if we will need to put a moisture barrier on the new walls or if they are going to be mildewy like the stall fronts. No matter what, I'll be pressure washing them in the summer.

I also found that all the hay is wet from the damp air and that is not a good thing.

Another shot from this view. As of right now this wall is complete but no photos yet.
The middle door goes into the wash rack, the door on the right will go into one of the two comfort stalls and the one on the left is one of the two finished stalls with regular stall mats.

These are the mats for the Comfort Stall flooring. Their video shows one young gall carrying them saying 'This isn't so bad' but these weigh about 75# each and are a bugger to move.

They are made of crumbled rubber inside landscape fabric, measure 4x5 and are very flexible. The video the company provides, the one with the girl, doesn't address how to do doorways.

Thursday, January 11, 2018


The exterior walls are mostly complete, we still need doors (dutch) and trim. There isn't anything forming walls around the aisle doors, there will eventually be something. The far end, out towards the back pasture, will have a full size door.

This is the inside with 3/4 inch plywood up on the walls. This is what was used on the old barn and it works, horses can't kick through it. The 1x2's leaning there are used to hold the stall dividers in place.

Just like this

And here we have the stall mats installed in this stall. I purchased 13 total for these 2 stalls, 1 will be used to cut up so we can fill the holds where the mats are about 6 inches too short.

 Outside each stall there is 2 feet of concrete for the horses to stand on when they want to be outside but not get rained on. Wifi LOVED this at the old barn.
We will be putting fences out here so they can be contained but still able to walk around. Joey will get stocked up if he's not able to move at night.

I cleaned up the barn last night, swept the aisle and stalls, picked up all the trash, put all the wood pieces and scraps in proper piles. I put my small cart in the finished stall just so its out there but not in the way.
For Christmas the house 'gave' the barn a bunch of utility hooks
like this one, I'm going to find the best location where they are easily accessible but not unsightly to hang all my barn tools. Broom, manure forks, shovel, rake. I had a spot for a dozen tools at the old barn and I brought those boards to the new farm but they are still lost.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Outside & Inside

Walls were framed in

They aren't complete yet but mostly

Just 24 hours later and they look like this

I think its looking pretty good

Inside, there is 3/4 inch plywood, horses won't be kicking through this. Rubber mats are in 2 stalls, The Comfort Stall will be at the back of the barn.

These two 1x2s hold one end of the 2x10x12s that make the divider

And here is the divider going up. There is a pressure treated board on the bottom.